Battlefield vietnam reddit
Battlefield vietnam reddit

"WOOP, WOOP! IT'S THE SOUND OF TH- of me hitting Alt+F4 and booting up 2142," wrote Dan Edwards. Others were less charitable, with many saying something along the lines of "it's just not Battlefield" or accusing it of being DLC for BF4. but whenever I jump off of a building and use a parachute, or hit a heli with a stinger, I think 'Doesn't feel like law enforcement'" I love it, I love interrogations, tasers, money grabbing. However, it feels too military to consider the theme viable. "By all means, it's a good shooter with awesome gameplay.

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"So much potential wasted," wrote Peterowsky. Quite a few people said that Hardline was actually fine, but still the worst of the series.

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